PlayStation 4

Gamescom | PlayStation gets Twitch

First Conference day of Gamescom involving Microsoft, PlayStation and EA Games! Lot already happened but lot remaining as well, Konami, Tecmo Koei, Square Enix, Ubisoft..Plenty more!

Today PlayStation announced that Twitch will be coming to PlayStation 4, Stream is one button away..Press Share on the new dualshock and Voila, You will be Live, Favorite channels across globe can be watched on couch which means Entire Twitch experience with a controller and TV!

This seems interesting and will definitely bring more people to the PlayStation 4 especially those who spend on expensive setup to stream HD Gameplay’s live or use expensive Capture cards to post videos later. Let’s see what people choose, for me both are winners and yes I am getting both since Xbox backed DRM policy and PlayStation gets Paid Online membership..Both are even, I am getting both since Halo and Killzone or Gran Turismo and Forza are my favorite games..and I am more then keen to Live Stream in the Next-Generation console.

Stay Tune to entire Gamescom week for live updates!