Call of Duty: Ghosts was Revealed moments ago at Xbox Reveal by Activision’s CEO saying “This will be the Best Call of Duty EVER” Demonstrating New Artificial Intelligence through Stretched Gameplay. Physics and Graphics are all New Ball game because of Brand-New Next Generation Engine.
Dynamic Maps and New Addition
Dynamic Maps, Next Generation Multiplayers takes the most anticipated COD Gamers to next level allowing Players to customize the Character that includes Uniforms,Ballistic Helmets and Equipment. The Maps that were compared to previous Infinity Wards COD Series “Modern Warfare’s 3rd Installment” and it seems the Call of Duty is first time a Serious Authentic First Person Shooter Combat Game.
Character Modelling/Physics
Character Modelling and Physics have been Really improved compare to any call of duty that was made in past that includes Canines(K-9 Unit), Soldier Tactics has new addition “Leaning” which will be available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. Details of Human Skin, Canine Scars, Dirty Nails..Ah, Yes I said it right. Too immersed Explanation..Indeed.
I was Once a Call of Duty Lover, I was disappointed with the release of COD: Black Ops 2 since it was nothing new in the addition and lack of Human Common logic. But regardless, I have Never been so happy seeing Call of Duty with this type of Performance and Authenticity. I am really Anticipated for Call of Duty: Ghosts!
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