PlayStation 3

Gran Turismo 5 : Update 2.08 Brings New cars and Much more

Gran Turismo 5 developer Polyphony has revealed that the game is set to get have a new DLC.

Update 2.08 will bring several balance tweaks and bug fixes to the game, the most significant one bring the ability to disable collisions in head-to-head multiplayer. The three new cars are the Nissan GT-R N24 GT Academy ’12, the Subaru BRZ S ’12, and the Honda Weider HSV-010 (SUPER GT) ’11, each will cost $.99. The DLC will be available September 25 in the U.S. and September 26 in Europe.

Patch 2.08 should be made available next week and includes the following changes:

  • Now possible to select “Disable collisions” in the [Event Settings] of online races.
  • ID’s are now shown above cars when watching online races.
  • Response of the clutch pedal when using the steering wheel controllers “G25 Racing Wheel”, “G27 Racing Wheel”, “T500RS” and “TH8RS” has been adjusted.
  • Rate of tire wear in endurance races has been slowed (excluding formula cars).
  • Amount of air resistance change when altering aerodynamic wing settings has been increased.
  • Autopilot has been adjusted to prevent colliding with the wall when exiting the pit lane on the Tsukuba circuit.
  • Adjusted the changes in control characteristic when altering vehicle height from standard height.
  • (Vehicle height can be changed by adjusting ride height, either by installing a suspension kit or adjusting a full customizable suspension kit.)