One of my all time personal favorite games from the PS2 “Manhunt” is getting re-released as a PS2 Classic on PSN in the U.S. on May 14 and in Europe on May 15 for just $10.
Rockstar North’s controversial title from 2003 got a lot of negative views for its violent nature and brutal murder scenes such bashing a thug over the head with a brick, stabbing someone repeatedly and suffocation with plastic bag (I have provided a lovely visual aid below). Its sequel was banned for six months in the U.K. when it launched back in 2007, but didn’t really live up to its hype.
If you’ve never played this game (which i reckon you should) the game’s story follows a supposedly executed death row inmatewho is forced to participate in a series of snuff films for former film producer and now underground snuff director, Lionel Starkweather. Now doesn’t that sounds like a game you want to play?
I just wished they had released this in HD with trophies. Also, since we have the Middle East account, I just hope it doesn’t get banned.
PlayStation 2 Classic “Manhunt” Releasing This Week On PSN