
Uncharted 4 Announced (w/Teaser)

Action-Adventure with Third person shooter and 10 out 10 Top rated PlayStation exclusive franchise ‘Uncharted‘ yet returns on Next-generation Sony console “PlayStation 4”, Announced via YouTube Channel of  GamesHQmedia. As of yet, No further information or detail in regard of upcoming Uncharted Video game has been revealed except the Teaser Trailer.

See the TeaserTrailer below:



I Believe the Protagonist of this upcoming Uncharted Video game could be Sir Francis Drake since Nathan Drake believes himself as descendant of Sir Francis Drake, and from the mini teaser revealed it is to believed that the upcoming game will make you a sailor or a navigator by seeing the compass, map and lantern lit map room and last quote by unknown “You owe me”, however, it seems “someone is not happy” All we know is, we have to wait till the next teaser or official press release!

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